Sunday, June 15, 2014

Cooperative Theory of Evolution, An Introduction

I hope we will understand the value of life and protect it and not forget we depend on it. Survival of the most compassionate, ethical, logical, and inclusive is the revised theory.

Our sense of being a unit of self is visibly inaccurate. The matter that makes up a person is only connected by some form of interdependence. People care a great deal about what is happening in their gut, yet once waste is excreted, people flush it and don't worry too much about what happened to it, or the fact that it likely contains dead cells from a body, we focus our entire lives on. Our bodies visibly separate us from others, yet we tend to care significantly for animals or people regardless of personal distance from them. We are not competing for survival, we are cooperating for survival. Our hearts are very important to our survival we view them as an important part of self and well literally die without them, yet a heart by itself is not fit at all for survival. Hearts are sensitive to changes inside the protected sheltered environment they live in. Our bodies also require a sheltered protected environment in order to exist. Will we become a vital part of Earth's body or will we be buried below the Earth like discarded poop?

Science challenge: Find ways to improve the larger body and expand your sense of self to help others in your environment.

Suggested reading:

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