Wednesday, September 2, 2015

God as a Math Term

I have been looking at God as a math term since I noticed the complex relationship between Revelations and Calculus. I notice that Revelations masterfully solves the limit as time approaches infinity, in figurative language. By setting God as a constant with a capital letter we can confirm the validity of science, otherwise our answers are just a matter of random chance. When we look at fractals we see repeating patterns created with building blocks that repeat very tiny structures into larger ones. I designed a Lego creation called Stairway to Nowhere. This structure resembled DNA, in order for it to be stable it only fit together one way, if any of the blocks were off the whole thing fell apart. When we look at time as lasting forever, even a small chance, over time becomes a certainty. Yes these molecules would be created as would all possible combinations, but some combinations survive, others don't. When it comes to creating, time is infinite or doesn't even exist.

"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."

By stating God as a constant equal to one we can envision infinity as just very tiny structures repeating, forever into larger ones. Creation is an inevitable product of life, the real trick to it is teamwork, it is about how well you can use and reuse the products you have. A full ecosystem not just self centered seeking, but looking at a larger picture, and caring about the life forms you depend on for life. We can disrespect the whole by focusing just on ourselves but we need other organisms to recycle our waste, so we can continue to exist.

Science Challenge:
Convert waste into useful products.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sound is Energy

Science Challenge:
Design a small device to harvest sound energy and put it back into the system to make things more efficient.

If this can not be done explain why.

"“There is definitely energy contained in that sound,” says David Cohen-Tanugi, vice president of the MIT Energy Club and a John S. Hennessy Fellow in MIT’s Materials Science and Engineering department . “But the density of the energy is very low, and there is no way to capture it all. You’d have to have obscenely loud, continuous noise for harvesting to be worthwhile.”"

Can noise be concentrated into a smaller space? Also could noise be reduced through a new low friction material.

Here is a good explanation also look at related questions.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Poorly Done Harvard Study Leaves More Questions Than Anserwers About Fluoride.

First of all never ever ever ever confuse the parts with the whole, by looking at just one ion, ions come in pairs. You won't normally find an Anion without a Cation. When you say fluoride be specific about which type of "fluoride" you are referring to is it Sodium Fluoride, Calcium Fluoride, or Fluorosilicic acid, Silicon Tetrafluoride or what? These are not at all the same thing. Also are there any impurities in the substance or differences in diet?

Also the IQ test is an extreme logical fallacy, known as the presumption of superiority, it favors children who's parents have more time, more money and more education. It is only a series of question so which question did children in high fluoride areas get wrong and why? Also age may be a very significant factor how old is the person taking the test? Does the IQ change over time? Does the nervous system, show a repair and decay cycle? what triggers that cycle? How does this affect growth.

Looking at Sodium Fluoride I notice both ions only form one bond. If you want good structural integrity you need at least 2 bonds. Suggesting this anion, cation pair is good for building, is like suggesting that a group of one armed people could form a long chain, simply by holding hands. Also I am concerned about the damage Sodium Fluoride does to the nervous system especially in the absence of Sodium Chloride, because Fluoride is smaller and more electronegative it would react differently in the nervous system. (at sometime in the "History from the perspective of an American Idiot" plans to wright about what it's like to have Sodium Fluoride in your nervous system.
Also how long has this product been in the food and water supply? I have read is the a mostly a product of fertilizer production.

However don't forget the possible uses of this substance. Well it's small electronegative structure, makes a poor signal generator, because nerves would take longer to charge and can fire at significantly higher voltage, it also could make it an excellent battery because it can hold a higher charge in a smaller space than any other element in the Halogens Group.

I have read Calcium Fluoride is found naturally in well water. I suspect the Calcium Fluoride could lead to strong bones and teeth because it's structure can form at least 2 bonds.

Science Challenge: Explain how higher internal surface area can make a person more vulnerable to toxins and parasites, by creating a place for things to happen. How might a growth and repair cycle get out of hand? Could removing stresses be a better way to treat cancer why or why not?

Here is a link to the study

Here is a list of common cations like Sodium and Calcium and a list of common Anions like Fouride and Cloride.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Age of the Atom

Let me welcome you to the next age. Let me introduce you to a revolutionary new building material that is very small. Atoms have made up everything, but our understanding of them could help create a new age of machines, "The Age of the Atom."

Orbital theory is a powerful tool that can be used to create tiny machines. What was once water pollution can now be turned into batteries. Sodium Fluoride could be very useful for storing energy collected from plants passed through small carbon nano-tubes. To power smaller more complex machines.

Science Challenge:

Atomic Lego's
Design building blocks to simulate Atoms and explain atomic theory and orbital theory.

Suggested reading:

How batteries are made from Ions.

Shows, the general periodic table trend of electronegativity

Nernst Equation

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Science Says

Science is like a book, it is not saying anything, you have to read and understand it.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Extension of Childhood

The amount of time it takes mammals to grow up is related to the complexity of the understanding of their world. As humans learn more about their world they can gain greater control over the environment. Young men may now choose to be sterilized to avoid reproduction. It should be a standard medical procedure to sterilize young men and save their sperm until they are actually ready to take care of a child. Many men are burdened by having children, long before they are ready. People need more time to explore and understand the huge amount of information and experience available.

Why We Should Grow Electronics

Before we start eating genetically modified food, I want to see functional electronics grown from plants please. I think I have had quite enough cheep crap someone wanted to make a huge profit off of added to my food, thank you.

science challenge: What would you make if you could grow electronics out of plants. How would you make it?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Importance of the First Commandment.

Many people find the first commandment confusing or pointless, but actually it is relevant to science. When we define God as a personification of nature, we can look at many gods or natural forces as science calls them.

Notice there is an extreme danger of focusing on just one nature force and ignoring very important parts of the whole.

Money is a god that receives constant and dedicated worship at the expense of nature. By exodus humans had already stared going against the force gravitational separation to obtain heavy metals that had fallen below the ground. Also farming was popular, humans discovered certain food crops could yield large harvests to feed minors who mined instead of growing their own food.

The world had began as a beautiful garden, but humans found themselves in a much harsher place as a consequence of their own actions.

The understanding of god's and rules adapted to environments and groups. These groups seem to understand well the forces that would harm them.

Focusing on one aspect of the environment will ignoring others has always been problematic.

When money is used to misguide science, and put before the good of the population we see devastating consequences.

The increase in outliers, or people with Autism is not disturbing, what is disturbing is the health problems of this growing population as well as the increasing toxic burden on the "normal" population. We need a plan to create an Eden like environment and allow for the evolutionary diversity that protects life as a whole. Stop trying to justify various forms of genocide and protect life as a whole.

"Question: "What are the Ten Commandments? What is the Decalogue?""