I am grateful for the advantages I enjoyed as a child. I would like to see the next generation of young children benefit from an even better head start in science. This is a list of useful knowledge for toddlers. I will follow it with an explanation of how this knowledge could prevent mental illness and help Autistic people reach their full potential.
1) Latin Roots could provided a huge advantage in learning language. Also this might help people better understand the errors that can occur in grammar realizing that grammar structure tends to vary from place to place.
2) The correct theory of evolution, that creatures who are adaptable to change tend to survive better than creatures who can not adapt. This would give hope to people who were born into environments they are not well suited for.
3) Colors of the rainbow and the electromagnetic spectrum. This could help people understand their unique place on the various spectrums of life.
4) Turn taking games and systemization. Games like chinese checkers and cards can teach children to look for patterns and take turns. These games also have an added advantage of teaching that winning is not that important and that people are equal and deserve equal treatment. So many adults misunderstand arrays that some parents are actually concerned when they find their children using arrangement of objects to solve problems.
5) Logical fallacies, learning these can help people recognise paranoid thinking styles and correct them. Crazy off the wall ideas are key to science. It is very unfortunate when people wrongly take those ideas for reality, when basic scientific testing and logic could lead to better hypothesizes and better lives.
6) The fibonacci sequence, this will be important for young man who may soon by deciding weather or not to sterilized and have their sperm stored in a genetic database so their children will not be brought into the world without their full consent.
7) How to use microscopes, telescopes and understand scientific notation. This will give children an early understanding of how things can be really big or small.
8) The scientific method. This could help children learn to do hypothesis tests when confronted with new information.
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