Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Death Penalty for Corporations

The whole system is wrong. We do not need corporations to exploit our healthcare system. The pharmaceutical industry committed fraud, they took donated money and used it to kill people. Pharmacia deserves to die and let research continue without money as a motivator to commit murder, so that no one can profit through the exclusive rights to lifesaving treatment. Then there are the banks that control the money and use it to exploit people who can not afford to pay for things, like medical school. They take advantage charging them interest and keeping medical professionals in dept. Banks do nothing to justify the huge amount of money they take with usury. They caused the housing crisis and they are not to big to fail, let them go extinct our government has the right top print money. Then we have the health insurance industry. It exists only to pay for the fraud and usury in the system, let us remember the harm they have done denying legitimate claims let it go extinct as well.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Examples of People Who Are Much Louder, Then People Who Actually Understand What They Are Talking About

Jenny McCarthy
This is a model not a scientist, she is qualified to tell you, when her child's damage occurred. She is in no way qualified to tell you why or how. It is very likely that vaccine damage is occurring. Her voice is far loader then voices of logic and reason. A person with a little bit more science knowledge would know, the amount of mercury in vaccines is negligible. Her argument is therefore invalid. That fact does not make vaccines safe...
Barak Obama
This is a politician, not a doctor. Obama did not invent ObamaCare, he only looked over the legal aspects of it. He is qualified to tell you it helps provide access to healthcare for more Americans, but is not qualified to tell you it is safe. His argument is invalid. His voice is far loader then voices of logic and reason. A person with a little bit more health care knowledge would know that healthcare costs are inflated by drug patents and that the money coming from this is invalidating the science, forcing people to pay for healthcare does not solve the problem of exessive costs or unsafe drugs. His argument is therefore invalid. Obamacare is unsafe...
Please suggest more people who are treated as experts in fields they just didn't study. Also stay tuned to see these topics addressed with a bit more detail.

Why God Doesn't Understand Your Flawed Notion of Time.

There is a time machine in your home. It is called the refrigerator. A gallon of milk inside the refrigerator experiences time passing much more slowly then one outside the refrigerator. A gallon of milk left out overnight can expire well before the expiration date. We measure time based on cycles, but the cycles used to measure time do not agree. To an all knowing being this would be problematic.
2 Peter 3:8–9 reads:
‘But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’
In other word a cycle that takes a day, can take 1000 years in a different part of the universe.

Why Science needs a Perfect God

Perfect as in, ideal:
When people think of perfect they think of, ideal. Logically we know, perfection is an unattainable goal a limit we can never reach therefor, nobody is perfect. God can not be perfect in this way, but that is not the only definition of perfect.
Perfect as in, absolute and complete
This type of perfection can logically exist, and it is also very important to science. We take it on faith that we can logically find an answer. If gravity suddenly goes from 9.8m/s^2 to 0 there is a reason, you can figure out that reason and predict what will happen. It is important to remember this is faith based logic, that can not be proven. This logic is important though, because without it science is pointless. We simply reason it is better to know something then nothing. It is possible, maybe even likely, that everything is not absolute, complete, total or real, but we assume it is for the sake of science.
having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
"she strove to be the perfect wife"
synonyms: ideal, model, without fault, faultless, flawless, consummate, quintessential, exemplary, best, ultimate, copybook; More
free from any flaw or defect in condition or quality; faultless.
"the equipment was in perfect condition"
synonyms: flawless, mint, as good as new, pristine, impeccable, immaculate, superb, superlative, optimum, prime, optimal, peak, excellent, faultless, as sound as a bell, unspoiled, unblemished, undamaged, spotless, unmarred, picture-perfect; More
precisely accurate; exact.
"a perfect circle"
synonyms: exact, precise, accurate, faithful, correct, unerring, inerrant, right, true, strict; More
highly suitable for someone or something; exactly right.
"Gary was perfect for her—ten years older and with his own career"
synonyms: ideal, just right, right, appropriate, fitting, fit, suitable, apt, made to order, tailor-made; More
denoting a way of binding books in which pages are glued to the spine rather than sewn together.
thoroughly trained in or conversant with.
"she was perfect in French"
absolute; complete (used for emphasis).
"a perfect stranger"
synonyms: absolute, complete, total, real, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, downright, utter, sheer, arrant, unmitigated, unqualified, veritable, in every respect, unalloyed More"